
Department of Defense Cyber Security Service Provider (2019 Review)

Cyber is a word (prefix) most commonly used in describing an initiative, trend, or a person who is related to the world of computers, like cyberspace, cyberculture and cyberpunk. The word cyber has been derived from the Greek word “kybernetes” which means Governor or Steersman. It is said that Norbert Weiner and few other associates coined the word “cybernetics.” Providing protection to the computer and its related elements/components (like hardware, software) is known as cybersecurity. The move to assault a computer or a network of computers through internet or through software is termed cyberattack. In order to avert such attacks a cybersecurity service provider can be the first necessary line of defense.

The Importance of Cybersecurity

In the world of computers physical security is not just the required form of defense. To avoid illegal access to various data and related information cyber security is given top priority. There are few subsets of cybersecurity:- Application security, Information security, Network security, Disaster recovery/business continuity planning, Operational security, End-user education. The perfect coordination between all these elements ensures a reliable cybersecurity. Every next day some new quality of security threats surfaces which happens to be a major challenging fundamentals of cybersecurity. The prevalent method is to focus the resources on critical mechanism systems and defend it against possible risks. As per contemporary, any cyber security consultant would advice to maintain a practical, positive and familiarize process.

Technology is the main supporting stone of today’s businesses to meet its goal, communicate with the consumers and maintain the supply chain. With technology being a decisive positive feature, there are too many risks involved in business. The risks comprise losing confidential information and the related crucial resources. This is when cyber security solutions can be applied for proper protection to defend the crucial business resources. Bringing into use the strategy of cyber security would guarantee upholding a levelheaded alertness to combat cyber threats. As the need of keeping intact the data and information is growing, the investments in cyber security services are also rising. According to an analysis the spending will go beyond 124 billion dollars by the end of 2019.

Different Forms of Threats in Cybersecurity

It is quite a demanding task for the cyber security companies to catch up with new kind of technology, danger and security. But, it needs to be accomplished so that the resources, information and data remain safe from cyber threats. Here are some of the most prevalent forms of cyber threats.

  • Ransomware:- Is a malware meant to attack the files of a computer system and then disabling the computer, mainly locks the computer files. It is basically carried out using encryption. This is a tactic to earn money. The attacker then demands a payment or ransom to unlock the files and decrypt the computer. The requirement of using cyber security solutions is very ideal to deal Ransomware.
  • Malware:- The malicious software or malware is a program or a file created to damage the computer and is unsafe for the user. Trojan horses, computer virus, spyware and worms are some kinds of malware. A malicious program can observe the activity of a computer user without the user’s consent. Besides this, it can modify how the computer works, it can steal vital data or delete it or even steal it. A cybersecurity service provider must be approached once your computer is infected with malware.
  • Social engineering:- It is an approach through which users are influenced psychologically to make certain mistakes or share some crucial information. Most of the time it is the feeling of fear and curiosity that the social engineer tries to tap. Once the attacker gains the trust of the victim, the losses incurred can be destructive. Social engineering comprises of five different approaches.

1. Phishing:- Sending fraud mails and text messages to users which might look similar to the services of known company. The main aim is to gather important data and information, like login updates, card information, etc.

2. Spear Phishing :– When phishing is done in a more targeted way it is said to be spear phishing. You don’t always need cyber security companies to protect your computer, sometimes general consciousness also is a great defender.

3. Scareware :– Through this approach the attackers, attack the user with fake alarm and fictional panic. Sometimes the users get fooled and promptly believe in what is being said. To get rid of the malware or virus they install the software, as suggested. Such software doesn’t have any advantage and it might be a malware itself. That is why this Scareware is also said to be fraudware, deception software or the rogue scanner software. The cyber security services can only guide us on averting Scareware. This one can be dealt firmly with our awareness.

4. Pretexting :– It is an approach filled with lies by the attacker. The key motive is to establish a firm trust. Most of the time they would pretend to be an officer from the bank, tax office, the police or your colleague. If the attacker succeeds in persuading, information like contact nos., social security nos., personal addresses, bank records and even the staff’s dates for vacation, can all get compromised.

5. Baiting :– When a victim is attacked with phony assurance so that the inquisitiveness and greediness gets awakened is known as baiting. This is another way to rob someone’s private info or put in malicious software into other’s system. The most common way of carrying out baiting is leaving or keeping flash drives infected with malware in some noticeable spot. The prospective victim without holding back their curiosity will put it in into a computer either at home or at office. Thus, any kind of malware can reach an important computer.

For these reasons, always be cautious when you come across such mails, texts or notifications. Numerous websites display enticing offers, stay away from those. Every one of us needs to be more vigilant to defend ourselves from cyber attacks. It has been more than often asked not to open mails from unknown sources. Using cloud services to back up the data can be a good idea. And above all using an efficient and an authoritative anti-virus or security solution is the safest option. To keep the computer out of the reach of these threats, one must take the help of some renowned service provider of cybersecurity.

How Innefu will Help Cyber Security?

Innefu is a company which provides customized revolutionary cyber security solutions,with the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence). They basically create solutions of Biometric and Facial Authentication. They have two flagship products named AuthShield & Prophecy.AuthShield helps in avoiding cyber assaults on Enterprise Resource Planning applications,Systems Applications and Products, emails including an extensive range of other related applications. AuthShield is capable of shielding servers which store data as well as websites. Prophecy is for Data Analytics, which revolves around six different modules.These solutions help in overcoming certain immediate troubles encountered by the Army,Police or Private Security. It is a big boost in observing and tackling matters related to threats of the nation.

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